“I’m not one who questions the existence of the president’s birth certificate,” Pawlenty said.
The former Minnesota governor and possible 2012 Republican presidential candidate used that line as a set-up, though, to a larger jab at Obama.
“But when you listen to his policies, don’t you at least wonder what planet he’s from? On what planet do they create jobs by taxing the daylight out of people trying to grow jobs? On what planet do they try to reduce the deficit by spending even more? On what planet do they make healthcare better by putting bureaucrats in charge?” he said, according to prepared remarks."
What Planet?
Two Words.
"Red Planet"
But I'm a hater.

Word For Today: Screwed Cubed
Obama is about to present a 3.73 trillion dollar budget.
CBO estimates that we will have 2.6 trillion in revenue this year so we are going to spend about 1.2 trillion dollars more than we have and add it to the 14 trillion dollars we are in debt.
So here is the thought for today.
If the government could create a surplus of $1 billion EACH DAY it would take 45 years to pay off the debt.
We are so screwed that they are going to have to invent another word for it.
Screwed cubed has a nice ring to it. screwed3
CBO estimates that we will have 2.6 trillion in revenue this year so we are going to spend about 1.2 trillion dollars more than we have and add it to the 14 trillion dollars we are in debt.
So here is the thought for today.
If the government could create a surplus of $1 billion EACH DAY it would take 45 years to pay off the debt.
We are so screwed that they are going to have to invent another word for it.
Screwed cubed has a nice ring to it. screwed3
Once again Europe slinks towards the Dark Ages
"All over Europe the elites are acting as the protectors of an ideology that has been bent on destroying us for fourteen centuries. An ideology that has sprung from the desert and that can produce only deserts because it does not give people freedom. The Islamic Mozart, the Islamic Gerard Reve [a Dutch author], the Islamic Bill Gates; they do not exist because without freedom there is no creativity. The ideology of Islam is especially noted for killing and oppression and can only produce societies that are backward and impoverished. Surprisingly, the elites do not want to hear any criticism of this ideology."
Read it all...
Read it all...
Why Obama is JUST LIKE Reagan.
So let me get this right.
Ronald Reagan once said that 'Government is not the solution to our problems it is the SOURCE of our problems.'
Barry Suharto: a person of dubious faith, with a missing birth certificate and sealed college records, a man that spent 20 deaf years listening to a preacher ask God to damn our nation while palling around with people that were self admitted bombers, goes on an international apology tour to the nations that tacitly supported the sort of religious fanaticism that led a bunch of terrorists to attack us.
This man agreed to not deploy a missile shield that might protect us or our ally Israel from attack, at the request of Russia, for NOTHING in return while demanding that Israel negotiate with a group of terrorists that do not recognize their right to exist and have have sworn their destruction. Somehow he also found time to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England that was loaned to us as a token of the UK's support after 9/11 and give the Queen of England DVDs that she can't play.
Next he proceeded to spend so much money that even the Chinese started being reluctant to buy our bonds, on such dubious ventures as bailing out Wall Street, nationalizing a car company and taking control of large financial industries. He actually managed to do this in a way that caused the Russians and the French to lecture us on Capitalism. His promise that unemployment would not go above 8.5% IF we let him spend this money was quickly forgotten as he invented a new term for measuring unemployment progress. "Jobs Saved or Created".
Then came the "Summer Of Recovery" where he passed an unconstitutional health care bill hated by 60% of the people and even fewer people were working at the end of that summer than the beginning.
He followed this by additional spending on projects for (to fund?) union supporters seemed to make no difference; except leaving us 14 TRILLION dollars in debt with yearly 1.5 trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. This in turn, sent the real unemployment (u6) rate soaring to 16% and the real inflation rate (which includes food and fuel) to 8.5%.
He added unelected, unvetted and unconfirmed 'tzars' to the governments payroll, some of which were admitted Communists, in such numbers that Congress almost took note. Did I mention that their salaries are undisclosed as well?
This man, that loudly criticized Bush for his handling of hurricane Katrina, actually managed to make Bush look good by showing how HE handled the BP oil spill. The net result was the loss of 20 thousand jobs, oil rigs leaving the gulf, and a further ban on off shore drilling at a time when we desperately need affordable fuel.
The housing market collapsed further (can you go below zero?), the banks are still not making loans, and now he thinks that the way to fix this problems is to.. Wait for it… Yeah.. He wants to "invest" (aka spend) MORE money on infrastructure as if that will help people get loans and buy houses.
So the press calls this the "new normal" as if that will make it better.
27 states sued and a federal court ruled that the Health Care Bill was unconstitutional. In response, he said that the government? would IGNORE the courts ruling and proceed as if nothing had happened. If you or I did this we would be arrested for contempt and tossed in jail, but he put his hand on a bible and SWORE to protect and defend the Constitution and the press reports it like it means nothing.
Leaked documents now show that not only did he funnel money to Mideast dictators that we know are not only selling drugs but are also talking to and influencing the people that provided haven for the planners of the 9/11 attacks.
He GAVE the nuclear secrets of our greatest friend in the world (well the Brits WERE our best friends) to the Russians to sweeten a START treaty that even the experts agreed we don't need and would do little good.
Egypt's collapse may close the Suez Canal, cause fuel shortages, and provoke another war in the Mideast or an attack on Israel and even his envoy and his secretary of state are saying opposite things to the press.
In response to all of this, the press runs a picture saying that he is JUST LIKE REAGAN almost ON Ronnie's birthday.
I think I'm going to have a stroke.
Ronald Reagan once said that 'Government is not the solution to our problems it is the SOURCE of our problems.'
Barry Suharto: a person of dubious faith, with a missing birth certificate and sealed college records, a man that spent 20 deaf years listening to a preacher ask God to damn our nation while palling around with people that were self admitted bombers, goes on an international apology tour to the nations that tacitly supported the sort of religious fanaticism that led a bunch of terrorists to attack us.
This man agreed to not deploy a missile shield that might protect us or our ally Israel from attack, at the request of Russia, for NOTHING in return while demanding that Israel negotiate with a group of terrorists that do not recognize their right to exist and have have sworn their destruction. Somehow he also found time to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England that was loaned to us as a token of the UK's support after 9/11 and give the Queen of England DVDs that she can't play.
Next he proceeded to spend so much money that even the Chinese started being reluctant to buy our bonds, on such dubious ventures as bailing out Wall Street, nationalizing a car company and taking control of large financial industries. He actually managed to do this in a way that caused the Russians and the French to lecture us on Capitalism. His promise that unemployment would not go above 8.5% IF we let him spend this money was quickly forgotten as he invented a new term for measuring unemployment progress. "Jobs Saved or Created".
Then came the "Summer Of Recovery" where he passed an unconstitutional health care bill hated by 60% of the people and even fewer people were working at the end of that summer than the beginning.
He followed this by additional spending on projects for (to fund?) union supporters seemed to make no difference; except leaving us 14 TRILLION dollars in debt with yearly 1.5 trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. This in turn, sent the real unemployment (u6) rate soaring to 16% and the real inflation rate (which includes food and fuel) to 8.5%.
He added unelected, unvetted and unconfirmed 'tzars' to the governments payroll, some of which were admitted Communists, in such numbers that Congress almost took note. Did I mention that their salaries are undisclosed as well?
This man, that loudly criticized Bush for his handling of hurricane Katrina, actually managed to make Bush look good by showing how HE handled the BP oil spill. The net result was the loss of 20 thousand jobs, oil rigs leaving the gulf, and a further ban on off shore drilling at a time when we desperately need affordable fuel.
The housing market collapsed further (can you go below zero?), the banks are still not making loans, and now he thinks that the way to fix this problems is to.. Wait for it… Yeah.. He wants to "invest" (aka spend) MORE money on infrastructure as if that will help people get loans and buy houses.
So the press calls this the "new normal" as if that will make it better.
27 states sued and a federal court ruled that the Health Care Bill was unconstitutional. In response, he said that the government? would IGNORE the courts ruling and proceed as if nothing had happened. If you or I did this we would be arrested for contempt and tossed in jail, but he put his hand on a bible and SWORE to protect and defend the Constitution and the press reports it like it means nothing.
Leaked documents now show that not only did he funnel money to Mideast dictators that we know are not only selling drugs but are also talking to and influencing the people that provided haven for the planners of the 9/11 attacks.
He GAVE the nuclear secrets of our greatest friend in the world (well the Brits WERE our best friends) to the Russians to sweeten a START treaty that even the experts agreed we don't need and would do little good.
Egypt's collapse may close the Suez Canal, cause fuel shortages, and provoke another war in the Mideast or an attack on Israel and even his envoy and his secretary of state are saying opposite things to the press.
In response to all of this, the press runs a picture saying that he is JUST LIKE REAGAN almost ON Ronnie's birthday.
I think I'm going to have a stroke.
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